Jupe en laine bouillie
Cette semaine, la jupe en laine bouillie dans le même tissu que la salopette déjà vu ici et un reste de toile de coton d'une robe que je ne vous ai pas encore montré.
Le patron est fait maison et toujours aussi simple ! Une ceinture en laine bouillie, doublée de toile de coton (pour pas que ça pique), une grande bande de laine, froncée pour obtenir la forme un peu boule et une bande de toile de coton posée comme un biais géant pour faire la finition du bas.
Cette jupe est très confortable et très chaude :)
Boiled wool skirt
This week, the boiled wool skirt in the same fabric as the dress seen here and the rest of a cotton come from a dress that I've not yet shown.
The pattern is always homemade and simple! A belt boiled wool, lined with cotton (for that it doesn't sting), a large band of wool, gathered to form the shape a little ball and a strip of cotton put like a giant bias to do the finish.
This skirt is very comfortable and very hot:)
This week, the boiled wool skirt in the same fabric as the dress seen here and the rest of a cotton come from a dress that I've not yet shown.
The pattern is always homemade and simple! A belt boiled wool, lined with cotton (for that it doesn't sting), a large band of wool, gathered to form the shape a little ball and a strip of cotton put like a giant bias to do the finish.
This skirt is very comfortable and very hot:)